Friday, October 22, 2010

Is the office done for?

Steve Carell is leaving 'The Office' next May, E! confirms.
Carell told BBC in April that his contract expires at the end of this season and he did not plan to renew it. Now he has made it clear he wasn't just holding out for a better salary.
"I just think it's time," Carell told E! "I want to fulfill my contract. When I first signed on I had a contract for seven seasons, and this coming year is my seventh. I just thought it was time for my character to go."

Somehow he sees the show going on without Michael Scott.
"The show is great, and the ensemble is so strong, and the writers are great, so it's just one part of that ensemble drifting off," he said. "They've incorporated so many new characters and so many new, great storylines that I have no doubt it'll continue as strong if not stronger than ever."

Personally I find Carell to be the lifeblood of the show and I'm not too sure how smooth things will sail without him there. On another note I am curious who they will choose to replace him, I know it won't be easy. Who do you think would make a good choice to fill the position of manager?


  1. WTF micheal scott IS The Office, I really hope he change his mind.

  2. Steve Carell isn't very funny. :(

  3. not an office fan ... but I wanted to thank you for the EB&D bloopers vid .. super funny

  4. never liked the show :(

  5. I love the office. season seven is kinda boring.


    :[ the office without michael scott is like the mystery machine without scooby doo

  7. I don't know the office, maybe I'll take a loook

  8. although he is the best character, they will do good without him

  9. It is a shame that he is leaving. Wonder what they will do with the show in the future.

  10. Office has been kind of bad for a while, probably for the best

  11. Heard they're looking into Danny McBride. Also heard on of the directors or producers or something wants to see Harvey Keitel.
